How much do the lessons cost?
Training fees are £4.00 per lesson but people who wish to train in both the junior and the senior lesson will be charged an
extra pound (£5.00 total).
What style of karate do you do?
Sukona karate does two styles, we are a Shotokan club but we also do Shaolin 18 Lohan (which is a soft form, from china).
We also include various other martial arts.
Do you use weapons?
Yes, we use a number of different weapons on a regular basis, weapons are also included in the grading syllabus for dan grades.
Do I need a licence?
Yes, you do need a license which can be purchased through the club at a price of £25 per year.
You are not required to purchase a license straight away but as soon as you are sure that you want to continue with karate,
you should buy a license. You WILL NOT be able to grade unless you have a valid license. Your license is not only for gradings,
it also gives you insurance cover in case you injure yourself or somebody else while at karate, and it is also used to keep a record
of your gradings and karate achievements.
How old do I have to be before I can start karate?
As a general guideline we say you must be 6 years of age or over to take part, but as long as you can tell your left from your
right and are able to concentrate for the duration of the lesson you will be able to take part.
How many Belts are there?
There are 11 belts which are as follows:
- White
- Red
- Orange
- Yellow
- Green
- Purple
- Purple with a white stripe
- Brown with 2 white stripes
- Brown with 1 white stripes
- Brown
- Black